Good potential is a sign of male strength, which directly affects self -esteem, consequently, the quality of intimate life. Chronic stress, neurosis, lack of sleep and rest cause intimate problems, decreased sexual performance, which depresses men on a psychological level. Training for potency at home is an easy and quick way to increase potency and improve erectile quality. Consider when physical activity is needed, and what exercises are most effective for male potential?
Who is indicated for potential -enhancing exercises?

Of course, training for erections is necessary for all men, regardless of age and lifestyle. Its implementation is not only treatment, but also prevention of impotence. The specialized training complex is focused on strengthening the perineum muscles, which allows you to overcome erectile dysfunction.
Indications for physical activity:
- Erectile dysfunction;
- Pathology of the genitourinary system;
- Sex drive decreased;
- Early ejaculation;
- Low endurance during intercourse.
Often the problems described are due to circulatory disorders, congestion in the pelvis. In the presence of these factors, physical. activity will be very helpful, increase the strength of men. When the reason lies in stress and nervous tension, exercise also helps, as this stimulates the production of a hormone - serotonin - a substance that fights stress and its consequences.
When the reason for decreased erectile function is taking medication, then training to increase potency does not have much effect. In this case, you need to contact your doctor who will adjust the drug treatment - replace the drug with side effects with similar drugs that do not negatively affect sexual performance.

Exercise to increase potency at home has almost no contraindications. It is recommended not to engage in physical activity against the background of exacerbating infections of the genitourinary system, with respiratory and colds, accompanied by fever, chills, general malaise.
Contraindications include inflammatory processes in the pelvic area, because increased blood circulation during exercise can provoke the spread of inflammation, respectively, worsening the state of health. Also, physical activity is not recommended for localization oncological processes.
Cardiovascular disease is a relative contraindication. In this case, it is recommended to consult a physician, because an unbalanced load can lead to complications. It is necessary to take into account factors such as the age of the man, the corresponding disease.
In obese men, there is a strong load on the heart, blood vessels, joints. If you start training suddenly, then this causes a deterioration in well-being. If there is obesity, you have to bear the burden. If symptoms such as headache, nausea, dizziness appear, then exercise is stopped immediately.
General reinforcement training complex

Training to increase potential consists of two parts. This is a general strengthening exercise and a direct exercise of the PC muscle (pubis-coccygeal muscle). General strengthening exercises focus on normalizing blood flow, leveling stagnation, improving muscle tone and endurance.
The pubococcygeal muscle is responsible for sexual health and wellness. If he is strong and trained, then there is no problem with the prostate, the process of urination. Otherwise, a man suffers from a variety of intimate problems - premature ejaculation, weak erections, low potency and libido.
To start training your PC muscles, you first need to find that muscle. The easiest way to feel it is during urination: you need to place two fingers between the testicles and the anus and stop urinating for 2-3 seconds with the same muscle tension. It will be clearly felt under the fingers. As an alternative to the search - a little "shake" of the erect penis: at this time, muscle tension is clearly felt.
Training for erectile function, specifically PC muscle training, has the following characteristics:
- The essence of the exercise is the relaxation and tension of the PC muscles alternately.
- You can train the pubis-coccygeal muscles while sitting, standing, lying down.
- To increase the effectiveness of the lesson, the muscles need to be stressed while exhaling fully, holding the breath.
- The increase in load is done gradually.
- During the session, it is recommended to inhale through the nose and exhale through the mouth.
- All exercises were performed 120 minutes after a meal. Do not exercise on an empty stomach.
During the training process, it is recommended to observe a drinking regimen - at least two liters of clean fluid should be drunk daily. During the lesson, you should not drink, because the load on the cardiovascular system increases.

Squats are effective exercises to increase male potency. Jobs like this have been known since physical education lessons in schools. The man stood up straight, feet shoulder -width apart. Leg stockings should be slightly inverted - this allows you to reduce the load on the knee joint.
While doing exercise, you need to stretch the muscles of the perineum and buttocks, try to lose your weight - as if a man wants to sit on a chair. In the bottom position, they linger for 3-5 seconds, after which they slowly return to the original position. Start with 10 sets and one workout per day. After a week, you can increase the number of approaches to 30-50 times.
Rotation by the pelvis
Pelvic rotation helps eliminate impotence. This is a simple exercise that can be done by all members of the stronger sex. This helps normalize blood circulation, the level of congestion in the pelvis, which increases potency. Starting position: standing upright, feet shoulder width apart, hands at waist. Then you need to rotate the pelvis: in each direction 40-50 times.
Run or walk on the spot

Not everyone has the opportunity to jog in the park area. Alternatively, exercise is recommended - running or walking on the spot. The legs must be lifted as high as possible until the knees touch the abdomen. During exercise, the hands also perform active movements.
Enough to "run" for 8-10 minutes a day. In order not to get bored, you can turn on interesting videos or music. With regular neighbors, running on the spot is allowed to be replaced with a jump rope.
Repaired arches or bridges
To increase potency, exercises called curvature enhancement are incorporated into the strengthening training complex. The man lay on the floor, knees bent, arms placed along the body. Then you need to slowly break away from the surface and raise the hips - place your heels and palms on the floor. During lifting, the gluteal muscles are squeezed as much as possible. In this position, lock for 30 seconds, returning to the starting position.
With each exercise, the time to hold the weight hips increased by 10 seconds, gradually reaching two minutes. One exercise involves 5-8 approaches. More is possible, provided you feel well.
The set of exercises described helps increase testosterone production, relieve uncontrolled ejaculation, increase sensation during sexual intercourse, and improve semen characteristics. Regular exercise is the prevention of stagnation and circulatory disorders, infections of the genitourinary system, and prostate cancer. To achieve the required effect, you must do at least two months every day. When conditions improve, you can switch to 2-3 workouts a week.